Over the Last Decade We Have Raised $375,000 and Funded...
Who We Are
Most of us knows someone — a relative, a neighbor, a friend or acquaintance, or possibly even our self — with physical or other challenges. And, some of these challenges may have prevented them from participating fully in our community. Kenowa AMBUCS was started in the 1950’s with the goal of standing shoulder-to-shoulder with others to make a difference.
We donate custom-designed tricycles called AmTrykes to people of all ages so they can gain added independence. We provide mobi-mats to local communities with shorelines so wheelchairs and walkers can reach the water.
We add playground equipment to allow those with disabilities to participate with their friends. And, since we realize that physical therapists and speech therapists are a big support system, we provide scholarships to therapy students.
To meet these needs, we have two main fundraising efforts… the Memorial Day Parade & Race and the Denim & Diamonds banquet.

We’re Not Your Typical Business Club
Want to Learn More?
“Bauer Elementary continues to be blessed by the Amtrykes. They provide engagement and sensory-motor outlets for our students who demonstrate the need for such devices. We can't thank you enough for your work. Without your donations, we would be challenged to provide these types of services for our students.”
Josh Meersma
“Our students love to use the Amtrykes to explore the outdoors around our buildings and to travel to different buildings within our campus. Students enjoy using the Amtrykes at recess and physical education class with their peers, as well as in the hallways for movement breaks. The bikes have opened doors for our students to experience movement in new ways while completing everyday school activities such as recess, transitioning to the bus or class and recess.”